
Quench, Temper, & Normalizing

General Information

Quench, temper, and normalizing designs from Interpower Induction are innovative and created to fit your plant’s space constraints by providing flexible modular process sections that are superior to foundations and pits.

What is Quench & Tempering? Quenching occurs when a part that has been heated to a given temperature is cooled – quickly. Compared to slow cooling, rapid cooling modifies the metal’s structure and thereby its hardness characteristics (surface or core) and elasticity. Tempering is a heat treatment done in addition to quenching that can relax some of the residual stresses quenching may cause and even produces a new metal transformation (total or partial recrystallization) to obtain the best compromise between metal characteristics.

Complete Turnkey Systems


For more information on our quench and tempering processes, please email info@interpowerinduction.com or call (810) 798-9201.